Enter ‘c’ for Computer Science
Enter ‘s’ for Software Engineering
Enter ‘t’ for Telecom Engineering
- After taking user’s choice of degree program, the program should ask the
- user to enter his/her marks percentages of admission test, matric and
- intermediate results
- After that, program should calculate the eligibility percentage according to
- the provided formula and show the user if he/she is eligible for the selected
- degree program or not
- For the eligible candidates, the program should show the message
- “Congratulations! You are eligible for the selected program” and
- for non-eligible candidates the program should show “Sorry! You
- could not qualify for the selected program”
- If the user enters a choice other than ‘c’, ‘s’, or ‘t’, the program should
- show the following error message: “Invalid input! Enter the correct
- input option again”
Press any key to continue..
- On pressing any key from the keyboard, the program should start again
- from the beginning
- The program should keep showing the same error message until the user
- enters one of the correct inputs
- At the end of the program, the program should ask the user if he/she
- wants to check eligibility for another degree program. If the user presses
- y or Y, the program should start again from the beginning, or terminate otherwise
Sample output:
The sample output is provided in the animated image output.gif
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