Assignment # 05
Spring 2012
Marks: 20
Due Date
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 03 July, 2012.
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Problem Statement: Online Shopping Mall
Shopping Mall Stores, has been doing the business of fast food, detergents, cold drinks, uniform, sweets and much more for the last four years. They have their own position in business firms and well known for their quality.
The main objective of this website is to sell the products worldwide and provide information about Shopping Mall. It offers a range of products biscuits, medicine, burgers, paints, sweaters, shoes, soaps and milk etc. They have a complete team of experts for managing products, imports and exports. The objective of this website is to attract more customers who are interested in buying these quality products and to give an overview of the organization and its efficiency.
The main objective of this website is to sell the products worldwide and provide information about Shopping Mall. It offers a range of products biscuits, medicine, burgers, paints, sweaters, shoes, soaps and milk etc. They have a complete team of experts for managing products, imports and exports. The objective of this website is to attract more customers who are interested in buying these quality products and to give an overview of the organization and its efficiency.
This website will provide a complete catalog of the products. It will include online credit card transaction, feedback of the customers and an interface for the administrator to manage products, customers etc.
Considering the above scenario,
Question 1)
WBS defines and groups a project's discrete work elements or tasks in a way that helps organize and define the total work scope of the project. A WBS is a valuable management tool that is used throughout all life-cycle phases to Manage Risks, Cost, Schedule and Tracking activities etc.
(a) Write down the WBS up to level3 for the above scenario.
Marks: 10
Question 2)
Let‘s consider the following WBS, there are given some tasks of a software development life cycle. There are total ten tasks (activities) starting from Tasks (A, B and C in parallel) and ending with task (J).

Now keeping into view the above diagram:
a) What will be the effect on the project end date if Task (G) starts two days late? Marks: 5
b) For how many days, the start of Task (E) can be delayed without affecting the project completion date? Marks: 5
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