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Saturday, June 30, 2012

CS504 GDB Solution & Discussion Last Date:06-07-2012

Dear Students,
This is to inform that Graded Discussion Board (GDB) will be opened on 5th July, 2012. Below is the topic for GDB. 

Despite the importance and focus on SE development model in academic, it is a cruel fact that SE model is not deployed in industry practically but with modifications. What are the reasons behind this? Justify youranswer with valid arguments.

Note that GDB will remain open for 2 days only (from 5th July to 6th July), and no extra time will be given for posting the answer. Therefore, make sure that you submit your answer within the given time.

cs501 advance computer architecture Assignment # 5 spring 2012

Assignment No. 05

Due Date:
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 4Th July 2012.

Uploading instructions:

Please view the Assignment Submission Process document provided to you by the Virtual University for uploading assignments.

  • Assignment should be in .doc format.
  • Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bx020200786.doc).
  • Assignment submission through email is highly discouraged.
Rules for Marking:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
·         The assignment is submitted after due date.
·         The submitted assignment file is corrupted.
·         The assignment is copied.
Your answer must follow the below given specifications. You will be assigned zero marks if you do not follow these instructions.
·          Font style: “Times New Roman”
·          Font color: “Black”
·          Font size: “12”
·          Bold for heading only.
·          Font in Italic is not allowed at all.
·          No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.

Q1                                                                                                 Marks = 15

Intel has introduced a number of multi-core products in recent years. You have to explain the general structure of the Intel Core i7 with the help of a Block Diagram.

Note: Explain the block diagram in your own language.

Graded-MDB will be launched on 04 July, 2012 and it will remain open for two days. Read more: Graded-MDB will be launched on 04 July, 2012 and it will remain open for two days


Presently, we are having 5th Generation of Programming Languages. The new programming languages are offering sophisticated tools, support and flexibility for better programming. However, we still interested in Assembly Language Programming. Find out the basic reasons and advantages, which still make Assembly Language Programming as one of important and basic tool.


A concise, coherent and to the point comments are preferred over lengthy comment having irrelevant details. Your comments must not be more than 5-7 lines. Comments, posted on regular Lesson's MDB or sent through email will NOT be considered. Any request about such an acceptance will not be catered.


Friday, June 29, 2012

Business and Technical English (ENG201) Spring 2012 Assignment No. 4

Business and Technical English (ENG201)
Spring 2012

Assignment No. 4                 
Total Marks: 15
Due Date: 04/07/2012

To assess students’ understanding of the course and to prepare them for the practical application of communication skills through writing practices.


  1. Late assignments will not be accepted.
  2. If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
  3. Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from different sources and to express it in your own words will be encouraged.
  4. No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
  5. The file should be in Word doc form; the font color should be preferably black and font size can be 12 Times New Roman.

Question No.1                                                                                                           (10)

As a Marketing Manager of Nestle Pakistan, you are to introduce your latest dairy milk product to the market. You have to make use of at least three Visual Aids to support your standpoint. What sort of Visual aids will you take up to make your presentation more persuasive? Give at least three reasons for selecting these aids.                                                                                                            

Question No.2

Rewrite each of these sentences so that the modifier is correctly placed.                         (5)           
  1. Alina served hot sandwiches, fries, and potato salad to her guests on paper plates.
  2. The red sports car was reported stolen by the police officer.
  3. Covered with dirt, I saw the farmer plowing his field on my bike.
  4. While lacing my shoelaces, the cat yawned and settled into the chair.
  5. Crowded in the car, we were uncomfortable during the trip.

CS504 Assignment No 5 Solution & Discussion Due Date: 23-01-2012

                        Guideline to avoid un-maintainable code
Unmentionable code:
                                    We all have had experience of modifying the code that one has written, either to add a new feature or fix a problem in a module. The code which is hard to understand and modify by any other programmer is said to be un-maintainable code.
            Consider the following example to understand the above statement

Hard to understand code?
nY = (nTotal-1)/nX + 1;

Is this code fragment hard for you to understand? If not, then you know the technique being used. If you do not know the technique, then it is sure frustrating to figure out. This code is one way to implement the ceil function on the nTotal/nX value. He views your code through a toilet paper tube. He can only see a tiny piece of your program at a time. You want to make sure he can never get at the big picture from doing that. You want to make it as hard as possible for him to find the code he is looking for. But even more important, you want to make it as awkward as possible for him to safely ignore anything. Programmers are lulled into complacency by conventions. By every once in a while, by subtly violating convention, you force him to read every line of your code with a magnifying glass. Properly commenting your code is a good first step. However, keep in the back of your mind that someone else is reading your code and avoid obscure programming techniques unless they are fully commented and documented in the project. Much of the skill in writing unmentionable code is the art of naming variables and methods. They don't matter at all to the compiler. That gives you huge latitude to use them to befuddle the maintenance programmer.
Guideline to avoid un-maintainable code
1. Lie in the comments. You don’t have to actively lie, just fail to keep comments as up to date with the code.
2. Pepper the code with comments like /* add 1 to i */ however, never document wooly stuff like the overall purpose of the package or method.
3. Make sure that every method does a little bit more (or less) than its name suggests. As a simple example, a method named is Valid(x) should as a side a effect convert x to binary and store the result in a database.
4. Use acronyms to keep the code terse. Real men never define acronyms; they
understand them genetically.
5. In the interests of efficiency, avoid encapsulation. Callers of a method need all the external clues they can get to remind them how the method works inside.
6. If, for example, you were writing an airline reservation system, make sure there are at least 25 places in the code that need to be modified if you were to add another airline. Never document where they are. People who come
7. Never use i for the innermost loop variable. Use anything but. Use i liberally for any other purpose especially for non-int variables. Similarly use n as a loop index.

Graded Discussion Board (GDB) of CS610 computer networks from 12:00 AM July 4, 2012 to July 5, 2012 till 11:59

GDB Dated: Jun 28, 12
Dear Students,
Note that the Graded Discussion Board (GDB) of CS610 computer networks will remain open for two days from 12:00 AM July 4, 2012 to July 5, 2012 till 11:59 PM according to Pakistan Standard Time.
The topic of Graded Discussion Board:
“Do you think wireless networks will totally replace the wired or fixed networks in coming future? Prove validity of your opinion.”
A concise, coherent and to the point comment is preferred over lengthy comment having irrelevant details. Your comment must not be more than 5-7 lines. Comments, posted on regular Lesson's MDB or sent through email will not be considered in any case. Any request about such an acceptance will not be catered.

CS615 Software Project Management Assignment # 05 Spring 2012

Software Project Management
Assignment # 05
Spring 2012
                                                               Marks: 20
Due Date
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 03 July, 2012.

Uploading instructions:

Please view the Assignment Submission Process document provided to you by the Virtual University for uploading assignments.

  • Assignment should be in .doc format.
  • Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bx020200786.doc).
  • Assignment submission through email is highly discouraged.

Rules for Marking:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
·         The assignment is submitted after due date.
·         The submitted assignment file is corrupted.
·         The assignment is copied.
Your answer must follow the below given specifications. You will be assigned zero marks if you do not follow these instructions.
·          Font style: “Times New Roman”
·          Font color: “Black”
·          Font size: “12”
·          Bold for heading only.
·          Font in Italic is not allowed at all.
·          No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.
·         Your answer should not exceed 10 lines each.

Problem Statement: Online Shopping Mall  

Shopping Mall Stores, has been doing the business of fast food, detergents, cold drinks, uniform, sweets and much more for the last four years. They have their own position in business firms and well known for their quality.    
The main objective of this website is to sell the products worldwide and provide information about Shopping Mall. It offers a range of products biscuits, medicine, burgers, paints, sweaters, shoes, soaps and milk etc. They have a complete team of experts for managing products, imports and exports. The objective of this website is to attract more customers who are interested in buying these quality products and to give an overview of the organization and its efficiency.

This website will provide a complete catalog of the products. It will include online credit card transaction, feedback of the customers and an interface for the administrator to manage products, customers etc.

Considering the above scenario,

Question 1)
WBS defines and groups a project's discrete work elements or tasks in a way that helps organize and define the total work scope of the project. A WBS is a valuable management tool that is used throughout all life-cycle phases to Manage Risks, Cost, Schedule and Tracking activities etc.                                                                 

(a)    Write down the WBS up to level3 for the above scenario.
Marks: 10

Question 2)
Let‘s consider the following WBS, there are given some tasks of a software development life cycle. There are total ten tasks (activities) starting from Tasks (A, B and C in parallel) and ending with task (J).                  

 Now keeping into view the above diagram:

a)   What will be the effect on the project end date if Task (G) starts two days late?                                                                 Marks: 5             

b)  For how many days, the start of Task (E) can be delayed without affecting the project completion date?                           Marks: 5            

CS502 Fundamental of Algorithms Assignment # 05 Spring 2012

CS 502 Fundamental of Algorithms
Assignment # 05
Spring 2012
Total Marks = 20

Your assignment must be uploaded / submitted before or on July 04, 2012

Upload Instructions
Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the
Virtual University.

Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded if:
It is submitted after due date
The file you uploaded does not open
The file you uploaded is copied from someone else or from internet
It is in some format other than .doc

Note: Material that is an exact copy from handouts or internet would be graded
Zero marks. Your solution should consist of the material found through different sources and written in your own words.

Assignment Statements:


Suppose that all edge weights in a graph are integers in the range from 1 to |V|. How fast can you make Kruskal's algorithm run? What if the edge weights are integers in the range from 1 to W for some constant W?

To solve this question, you are requested to read Kruskal's algorithm form your recommended book with listen the lecture carefully. 

Theory of Automata (CS402) Assignment # 6 spring 2012

Theory of Automata (CS402)
Assignment # 6

  Total marks = 20
Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting the assignment.

Rules for Marking
It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:

  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
  • The assignment is copied.

Note that strict action would be taken if the submitted assignment is copied from any other student. Both students will be punished severely.

1)      You should concern recommended books to clarify your concepts as handouts are not sufficient.
2)      You are supposed to submit your assignment in .doc format. Any other formats like scan images, PDF, Zip, rar, bmp etc will not be accepted.
3)      You are advised to upload your assignment at least two days before Due date.

Important Note: 

Assignment comprises of 20 Marks. Note that no assignment will be accepted after due date via email in any case (whether it is the case of load shedding or emergency electric failure or internet malfunctioning etc.). Hence, refrain from uploading assignment in the last hour of the deadline, and try to upload Solutions at least 02 days before the deadline to avoid inconvenience later on.

For any query please contact:

Q1. Convert the following FA into equivalent PDA.
                                                                                                                        [Marks 7]

Q2. For which type of languages we must use Push and Pop in their corresponding PDA’s?
                                                                                                                        [Marks 3]

Q3. Construct a PDA that accepts the language of anbn+2.
[Marks 10]

“Best of luck”

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

CS302 spring 2012 Assignment No. 5

Question 1                                                                                        Marks 10
Give next sequence of states for 5 bit Johnson counter having initial value as 00111 (you are required to give next 5 values) in tabular form as shown below,

Clock Pulse

Question 2                                                                                 Marks 10
Give next sequence of states for 5 bit Ring counter having initial value as 00100 (you are required to give next 5 values)

Clock Pulse