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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

CS614 GDB Spring 2012 End Date 5 July 2012

Data warehousing always leads towards the huge data storage 

and query intensive format to support analytical decisions”. 

Justify the given statement either right or wrong with strong 


1 comment:

  1. Strategic decision for large companies require historical data.Data Warehouse are large storage systems which stores historical data that can be used for strategic decision making. The main source of the data is cleaned, transformed, cataloged and made available for use by managers and other business professionals for data mining, online analytical processing, market research and decision support

    So we can say that Data warehousing always leads towards the huge data storage and query intensive format to support analytical decisions
    Strategic decision for large companies require historical data.Data Warehouse are large storage systems which stores historical data that can be used for strategic decision making. The main source of the data is cleaned, transformed, cataloged and made available for use by managers and other business professionals for data mining, online analytical processing, market research and decision support

    So we can say that Data warehousing always leads towards the huge data storage and query intensive format to support analytical decisions
