“Both TCP/IP model and OSI model work in a very similar fashion. But they do have very slight differences too. Knowing these differences is very important in learning computer networking. In your point of view which model is best regarding usage and why? Discuss it.”
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The OSI Reference Model
ReplyDeleteAs many networking tutorials do, this one begins with an
introduction to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
Reference Model (OSI Model). The OSI model is a layered,
abstract description for communication and computer network
protocol design, developed as part of the Open Systems
Interconnection initiative. It is also called the OSI 7-layer model.
The OSI model divides the functions of a protocol into a series of
layers. Each layer has the property that it only uses the functions
of the layer directly below, and only exports functionality to the
layer directly above. A system that implements protocol behavior
consisting of a series of these layers is known as a protocol stack
or simply stack. Protocol stacks can be implemented either in
hardware or software, or a mixture of both. Typically, only the
lower layers are implemented in hardware, with the higher layers
being implemented in software.
The TCP/IP Protocol Suite
The TCP/IP protocol suite, also referred to as the Internet
protocol suite, is the set of communications protocols that
implements the protocol stack on which the Internet and most
commercial networks run. It is named after the two most
important protocols in the suite: the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP).
The TCP/IP protocol suite—like the OSI reference model—is
defined as a set of layers. Upper layers are logically closer to the
user and deal with more abstract data, relying on lower layer
protocols to translate data into forms that are transmitted
physically over the network.
The TCP/IP protocol is the primary focus of this tutorial.
TCP/IP Model and the OSI Reference Model
The TCP/IP protocol suite was developed before the OSI
reference model. As such, it does not directly map to the 7-layer
OSI reference model. The TCP/IP protocol stack has only layers
that can be loosely mapped to the OSI protocol stack.
Advantage OSI model over TCP/IP model
1.The OSI model originally distinguishes between service,interval and protocols.
1.The TCP/IP model doesnt clearly distinguish between service,interval and protocol.
2.The OSI model is a reference model.
2.The TCP/IP model is an implementation of the OSI model.
3.In OSI model,the protocols came after the model was described.
3.In TCP/TP model,the protocols came first,and the model was really just a description of the existing protocols.
4.In OSI model,the protocols are better hidden.
4.In TCP/IP model ,the protocols are not hidden.
5.The OSI model has 7 layers.
The TCP/IP model has only 4 layers.
6.The OSI model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the network layer,but only connection -oriented communication in transport layer.
6.The TCP/IP model supports both connectionless and connection-oriented communication in the transport layer.,giving users the choice.
Read more: CS601 GDB Solution & Discussion Fall 2011 - Virtual University of Pakistan http://vustudents.ning.com/group/cs601datacommunication/forum/topics/graded-gdb-topic#ixzz1k4glNxDT
Just an idea Please don't copy paste...
ReplyDeleteOSI model was created by Advance research project agency (ARPA) but after the advent of the Internet, there arose the need for a streamlined protocol suite so the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) decided to create the TCP/IP protocol suite. Prior to discussing which model is best let’s have a comparison of both of these models TCP/IP Reference Model OSI Reference Model Defined after the advent of Internet Defined before advent of internet. Service interface and protocols were not clearly distinguished before Service interface and protocols are clearly distinguished. TCP/IP supports Internet working Internetworking not supported. Protocol Dependent standard Protocol independent standard. TCP reliably delivers packets, IP does not reliably deliver packets All packets are reliably delivered. The entire communication industry stands on the backbone of TCP/IP and OSI reference model. As for as we discuss which model is best it depends on what we are working with. In the networking field, the TCP/IP model is more relevant. However, in other computing fields such as programming, the OSI model would be better suited.
Read more: CS601 GDB Solution & Discussion Fall 2011 - Virtual University of Pakistan http://vustudents.ning.com/group/cs601datacommunication/forum/topics/graded-gdb-topic#ixzz1k4gt8NJT
Just idea
ReplyDelete“Both TCP/IP model and OSI model work in a very similar fashion. But they do have very slight
differences too. Knowing these differences is very important in learning computer networking. In
your point of view which model is best regarding usage and why? Discuss it.”
OSI model was created by Advance research project agency (ARPA) but after the advent of the
Internet, there arose the need for a streamlined protocol suite so the Defense Advanced Research
Project Agency (DARPA) decided to create the TCP/IP protocol suite. Prior to discussing which
model is best let’s have a comparison of both of these models
No. TCP/IP Reference Model OSI Reference Model
1 Defined after the advent of Internet Defined before advent of internet
2 Service interface and protocols were not clearly
distinguished before
Service interface and protocols are
clearly distinguished
3 TCP/IP supports Internet working Internetworking not supported
4 Loosely layered Strict layering
5 Protocol Dependent standard Protocol independent standard
6 More Credible Less Credible
7 TCP reliably delivers packets, IP does not
reliably deliver packets All packets are reliably delivered
The entire communication industry stands on the backbone of TCP/IP and OSI reference model.
As for as we discuss which model is best it depends on what we are working with. In the
networking field, the TCP/IP model is more relevant. However, in other computing fields such as
programming, the OSI model would be better suited.
Read more: CS601 GDB Solution & Discussion Fall 2011 - Virtual University of Pakistan http://vustudents.ning.com/group/cs601datacommunication/forum/topics/graded-gdb-topic#ixzz1k4gzKFBF