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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Assignment No. 05 SEMESTER FALL 2010 CS614- Data Warehousing

Assignment No. 05
CS614- Data Warehousing

Total Marks: 20

Due Date: 30/01/2011
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o                    The assignment is submitted after due date.
o                    The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
o                    The assignment is copied.
o                    There is not mentioned the student Id in the assignment File or
             name of file is other than student ID.


Marks: 20 

Question 1:   [05 marks]
What is a Goal oriented approach? What steps are followed, in implementing a data warehouse, using this approach? 

Question 2:    [15 marks]

Describe the working of the [Indicator Determination metamodel with UML 2.0] model discussed in the research paper [1] given. What suggestions do you suggest for this model, DISCUSS?   

Figure 1: Indicator Determination metamodel with UML 2.0

Note: The assignment is comprised of two files: one is doc file, and another PDF file that is a research article, from where question Two (2) is taken.


Uploading Instructions:

Upload your assignment as a word file. It should have name [YourRollNo.doc]


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Sunday January 30, 2011.

CS 610 Computer Networks Assignment # 05 Fall 2010

CS 610 Computer Networks
Assignment # 05
Fall 2010
Total Marks = 20

Your assignment must be uploaded / submitted before or on January 31, 2011.

Upload Instructions
Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the
Virtual University.

Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded if:
It is submitted after due date
The file you uploaded does not open
The file you uploaded is copied from someone else or from internet
It is in some format other than .doc


The assignment has been designed to enable you develop the understanding about the transport protocols and network address translation.

Note: Material that is an exact copy from handouts or internet would be graded
zero marks. Your solution should consist of the material found through different sources and written in your own words.

Assignment Statements:

Q1. Differentiate between internet protocol and transport protocol with the help of examples.
                                                                                                    (10 Marks)

Q2. Describe the pros and cons of NAT?
                                                                                                    (10 Marks)

Fundamentals of Algorithms CS502-Fall 2010 Assignment #5

Fundamentals of Algorithms
CS502-Fall 2010

Assignment #5


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 2nd   Feb 2011

Uploading instructions

Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
oThe assignment is submitted after due date.
oThe submitted assignment does not compile or run.
oThe assignment is copied.


This assignment will help you to take solid vision of the following topics

  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • Bell man Ford Algorithm
  • Floyd Warshall Algorithm


1.      In order to attempt this assignment you should have full command on Lecture # 38to Lecture # 45
2.      In order to solve this assignment you have strong concepts about following topics
  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • Bell man Ford Algorithm
  • Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  • Complexity of Polynomial and Non deterministic polynomial problems

Recommended book for solving assignment
Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (CLRS) 2001, Introduction to Algorithms, (2nd ed.) McGraw Hill.

Estimated Time    2.5  hours

To search and understand the relevant material you require 1.5 and to give answer in precise manner you need one hour at maximum.
Question# 1                   (7.5+7.5)
a)        Elaborate the three algorithms Dijkstra‘s, Bellman Ford and Floyd Warshall Algorithms on the following basis:
                                                   I.      Complexity of algorithms
                                                 II.      Domain of Applications  with examples
                                               III.      Differences
                                               IV.      Similarities
                                                 V.      Disadvantages if any     

b)      Differentiate the Polynomial time and Non deterministic Polynomial problems on the bases of complexity nature with examples.     

Note: Both parts answers should be in Table format. Be precise to justify your arguments.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Software Engineering-1 (CS504) Assignment # 5 Deadline Date = 31-01-2011

Software Engineering-1 (CS504)
Assignment # 5
  Total marks = 20
                                                               Deadline Date = 31-01-2011

Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting the assignment.

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:
  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
  • The assignment is copied. Note that strict action would be taken if the submitted assignment is copied from any other student. Both students will be punished severely.

You are supposed to submit your assignment in .doc format. Any other formats like scan images, PDF, Zip, rar, bmp, docx etc will not be accepted
You are advised to upload your assignment at least two days before Due date. This assignment file comprises of four (4) pages. Questions are there on page no. 4

Important Note: 
Assignment comprises of 20 Marks. Note that no assignment will be accepted after due date via email in any case (whether it is the case of load shedding or emergency electric failure or internet malfunctioning etc.). Hence, refrain from uploading assignment in the last hour of the deadline, and try to upload Solutions at least 02 days before the deadline to avoid inconvenience later on.
For any query please contact:

In this assignment we will study the factors effecting software architecture. Software architecture is defined by SEI [1] as follows:
“Software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure of structures of the system, which comprise software elements, the externally visible properties of those elements, and the relationship among them”
It is very important to be careful while building architecture of any software because it ensures that any system development gets on track.

The assignment comprises of an article titled “Core Issues Affecting Software Architecture in Enterprise Projects” by Halûk Gümüşkaya [2]. Students are recommended to carefully read the article at least three (3) times to answer the questions given in this assignment. [It is attached with this assignment file.]
Each question will involve consulting the books and literature, which means, students will not rely on this article only.
How to read the article:
Please read the article carefully at least twice or thrice. To discuss any query regarding the article, please use the email address ( For each technical concept discussed in the article, try to explore it further from books or internet to clear your concepts and to answer the questions better.

[1] Len Bass, Paul Clements, and Rick Kazman, “Software architecture in practice”, second edition (Boston, MS: Addison-Wesley, 2003.
[2] Halûk Gümüşkaya, “Core Issues Affecting Software Architecture in Enterprise Projects”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 9 2005.
How to solve:
Students will have to answer the questions in precise manner with “to the point” approach. Proper references will have to be provided where necessary. It is expected that there will be no grammatical and spelling mistakes in the solution. You may search / study the relevant material, to answer the questions, from different books and internet, but the answers will be provided in student’s own word. For any sentence taken from some other source, provide the complete reference of that source (like we have given the reference for SEI definition at page 2 of this assignment.)

Assignment Submission Procedure:
Students may follow the following procedure to solve the assignment:
1)     Four to five days may be scheduled to read the article attached. Remaining days may be used to solve the assignment.
2)     Don’t post any queries regarding the Assignment on MDB’s however you can use email facility to ask any query regarding any difficulty in article.
3)     Deadline is (31-01-2011), so students will have 10 to 11 days to submit the assignment.

Question No. 1
Find four or five definitions of software architecture in books, or on websites. See if you can distill their essential differences and their essential similarities. What do you like and dislike about each one.
Question No. 2
Author, in the article, highlights the Standish Group’s “Chaos Report” of 1994 which suggested that only 16.2% of software projects were completed on-time and on budget. However the figure was increased to 29% in 2004. Although the increase in success rate was significant but still dismal when compared with traditional engineering deplanes.
Discuss at least Two factors (among those discussed in article) that you think, can help further to bridge the gap (i.e. to increase the success rate).

Question No. 3
For the definition taken from reference no. 4 in the article:
“The structure or structures of the system, which comprise software components, the externally visible properties of those components, and the relationships among them”
Author claims that this definition focuses only on the internal aspects of a system. Can you device a precise definition of your own that covers all/maximum aspects and characteristics of software architecture.

Assignment No. 05 Semester Fall 2010 Advance Computer Architecture-CS501

Assignment No. 05
Semester Fall 2010
Advance Computer Architecture-CS501

Total Marks: 20

Due Date: 27/01/2011

To learn and understand basic concepts of Computer Arithmetic and Arithmetic Unit.
Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from net, handouts or books.
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if:

o        The assignment is submitted after due date.
o        The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
o        The assignment is copied (from other student or copy from handouts or internet).
o        Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment File or name of file is other than student ID.

For any query about the assignment, contact at



Question No 1:  
Perform division on following numbers according to integer division technique given in handouts. Show all steps.
         Divide 8410 by 1410.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Assignment No. 04 Semester FALL 2010 Advance Computer Architecture-CS501

Assignment No. 04
Semester FALL 2010
Advance Computer Architecture-CS501

Total Marks: 20

Due Date: 19/01/2011

To learn and understand basic concepts of Number system, Computer Arithmetic and Arithmetic Unit.
Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from net, handouts or books.
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if:

o        The assignment is submitted after due date.
o        The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
o        The assignment is copied (from other student or copy from handouts or internet).
o        Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment File or name of file is other than student ID.

For any query about the assignment, contact at



Q: 1 Convert the following base12 numbers to decimal numbers. Assume that they are unsigned.

1.       BABA12

Q: 2 Convert the following base10 number to base2 number.

1.       0.8419

Fundamentals of Algorithms CS502-Spring 2009 ASSIGNMENT #4

Fundamentals of Algorithms
CS502-Spring 2009

Assignment #4


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before   January 21st 2011

Uploading instructions

Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
oThe assignment is submitted after due date.
oThe submitted assignment does not compile or run.
oThe assignment is copied.


This assignment will help you to understand the concepts of Graph theory particularly initial representation techniques and traversing techniques of Graphs BFS and DFS logics.


1.      In order to attempt this assignment you should have full command on Lecture # 33 to Lecture # 37
2.      To explore traversing techniques you must also read the chapter of “Elementary Graph algorithms” of recommended book below.
3.      In order to solve this assignment you should have strong concepts about following topics
ü      Graphs basic representation techniques
ü      Breadth First Search
ü      Depth First Search

Recommended book for solving assignment
Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (CLRS) 2001, Introduction to Algorithms, (2nd ed.) McGraw  Hill.
Estimated Time    3.5  hours
Question understanding time is one hour and to develop and implement the logic of part “a” you require half an hour and to develop part “b” you required at most two hours .It all depend upon your sheer concentration while developing the assignment.

Question# 1        
a) Give the adjacency matrix and adjacency list for the following graph.  Fig 1.1     (2.5+2.5)

b) Apply the BFS and DFS on the following graph and show values in queue/stack stepwise on the following graph Take node 1 as source node. fig1.1    (7.5+7.5)