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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Assignment No. 3 Semester Spring 2012 Computer Networks – CS610

Q.1. Which TCP/IP layers are equivalent to OSI layers? Draw a diagram to explain. [10 Marks]

Q.2. Name a current technology that arose from ATM and how this technology follows the ATM  

Assignment No. 03 Semester Spring 2012 Data Warehousing-CS614

Assignment No. 03
Semester Spring 2012
Data Warehousing-CS614

Total Marks: 15

Due Date: 04/06/2012

To learn and understand basic concept of Star Schema and SQL.

Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (get zero marks) if:

o        The assignment is submitted after due date.
o        The submitted assignment does not open.
o        The submitted assignment is in the format other than MS Word (doc).
o        The assignment is copied (from other student or copy from handouts).
o        Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment File or name of file is other than student ID.

For any query about the assignment, contact at



Q: Write SQL statements to construct the “Star Schema” given on the next page? Guidelines are given below:

  • Use appropriate data types for the table attributes.
  • Show the Primary/Foreign key constraints.
  • Do not send the archived file (.rar etc).

“Try to upload the assignment before BONUS day”

cs402 4th assignment spring 2012

cme and discuss here about 4th assignment.
Question: Consider the following sequential circuit:
There are two points X and Y with respect to which the following four states of the machine are identified according to the presence and absence of current at these points:
q0(X=0, Y=0) (0,0)
q1 (X=0, Y=1) (0,1)
q2 (X=1, Y=0) (1,0)
q3 (X=1, Y=1) (1,1)
a. Write down the expressions to find out new X, new Y and output?
[Marks 5]
b. Calculate all the values of the respective transition table for a mealy machine?
[Marks 10]
c. Draw the resulting mealy machine from the transition table (calculated in step b)? [Marks 5]
Read more: cs402 4th assignment - Virtual University of Pakistan

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

CS504: Software Engineering-I Assignment No. 03 Semester: Spring 2012

Assignment No. 03
Semester: Spring 2012
CS504: Software Engineering-I

Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 05/06/2012

Please read the following instructions carefully before assignment submission.

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

§         The assignment is submitted after due date.
§         The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
§         All types of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.

The objective of this assignment is:

§         To assess your overall understanding of Software Engineering concepts
§         To check your level of understanding for use cases
§         How we create sequence diagram based on use cases


The assignment should be in .doc format. Assignment in any format other than MS Word format will not be accepted.

You are required to recall the concepts related to Unified Modeling Language (UML), use-cases and sequence diagrams before solving this assignment.


In assignment 2, you were asked to develop use-case model and data flow diagram for HealthCare Sale Management System. Continuing further, you are now required to draw sequence diagrams for the some of the use cases identified in previous assignment.

Remember that this assignment is based on solution of your previous assignment (Assignment 2).

Description: Advance HealthCare is a medicine manufacturer company which manufactures medicines and sells to its customers. Advance HealthCare wants to develop an online system which will facilitate to manage the routine tasks of medicine sales and will convert the manual working in a computerized system. The system is meant to manage almost every aspect of the medicine sale system such as maintaining the stock record of the medicine, suppliers/companies accounts, purchase record, customer (patient) record, sales invoice generation, employees’ record etc. This system will maintain all the sales of medicines to customer and purchase from supplier. The medicine stock will be managed along with their batch numbers, expiry date, rate and quantity. When the medicine is purchased, and record is entered, the stock record will be updated immediately. The system will also handle the accounts including payments to suppliers and receiving from customers. The proper ledgers of every account will be maintained. The system will also help in maintaining the employees’ record that includes storing their name and other particulars along with their salary package. The system will generate many sophisticated reports including stock reports, ledger prints and rate lists. The system will not generate any advanced accounting reports as trial balance, balance sheet, Operating Expense Report and worksheets. The System should be user friendly, technology independent and platform independent. The System service should have availability most of the time in the day. It must be capable of supporting multiple users at a time without affecting the performance. It should be able to complete its on-going operations in spite of any error or problem within defined response time.


 You are required to draw Sequence Diagrams for the following two Use Cases:

1)    Add Account
  HINT: Using this use case, the manager will be able to add new account into the system.

2)    Update Item
  HINT: This use case will allow the user to update the information for an item (medicine) in the inventory.
