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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Assignment No. 02 SEMESTER Fall 2013 CS301- Data Structures Total Marks: 20 Due Date: 28/12/2013

Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment: 
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if: 
 The assignment is submitted after due date. 
 The submitted code does NOT compile. 
 The submitted assignment file is other than .CPP format. 
 The submitted assignment file does not open or corrupted. 
 The assignment is copied (from other student or ditto copy from handouts or internet). 

Uploading instructions 
For clarity and simplicity, You are required to Upload/Submit only one .CPP file. 
 Don’t wait for grace day. Grace Day is given only if there is problem with LMS on due date. Submit 
your solution within due date. 
 Note that no assignment will be accepted through email if there is any problem on grace day. 

Note: Use only dev-C++ IDE. 

The objective of this assignment is
o To make you familiar with queue and linked list data structures and programming techniques to 
implement queue as linked list. 

For any query about the assignment, contact at 
Marks: 20 
Suppose there is a large busy cosmetic store. In store, for billing, there are four counters with four tellers (who 
deal payment etc). A customer comes to the store and collects the things he/she wants to purchase and go to one 
of the counters to pay for purchase. If there are already people in front of counters, customer has to stand in the 
queue. A customer generally selects the shortest queue (with respect to the number of people in queue). The 
selection can become wrong if one of the people in the queue has a huge buying list. But if we know the 
estimated time of each customer in the queue, selection can become efficient. The system can become efficient, if 
we tell a new person which one is the shortest queue with respect to time taken by the people waiting in the 

Considering the above scenario, write a C++ program which asks a user to enter the estimated time to process 
the bill. The program will tell the user, in which queue he/she can stand with respect to the total time of all the
persons already in the queues. At the end of the day the system will display the total number of customers deal 
by every Teller and which Teller has deal maximum number of customers.   
Solution Guidelines: 
1) To pay the bills, Customer must have to stand in the queue. The length of the queue can vary so you have 
to implement queue as linked list. 
2) Create a class named Customer (Node class); this class should create a node (customer) in the queue. 
This class should define two private data members, time and Next pointer. A constructor, getter and setter 
functions for each data member should also be defined in this class. 
3) Create another class named Teller (List class); to create a queue for each teller, this class should define 
three variables, Front pointer, Rear pointer and counter. The class should also define the following 

Constructor(): Default constructor of the class. 
Destructor(): Destructor to destroy the memory gained by the use of new operator. 
AddCustomer(): This method should enter the new customer at the rear. 
TotalCustomer(): This method should return the total number of customers in a queue. 
TotalTime(): This method should return the total time of customers standing in said queue. 

4) In main() method of the program, create four objects of the class Teller which will act like four 
counters at store. These objects should be able to perform all the required functionalities mentioned in the 
question statement. 
5) You can add more variables and functions to obtain the given functionalities according to your need.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Human computer Interaction (CS408) Assignment # 1 Total marks = 10 Deadline: 25-11-2013

Human computer Interaction (CS408)
Assignment # 1
  Total marks = 10
                                                                                    Deadline: 25-11-2013

Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting the assignment.

1)      You should concern recommended books to clarify your concepts as handouts are not sufficient.
2)      You are supposed to submit your assignment in .ppt format. Any other formats like scan images, PDF, Zip, rar, bmp, docx etc will not be accepted
3)      This assignment file comprises of Two (2) pages.

Important Note: 

The objective of this assignment is:
·        To assess your overall understanding of Human Computer Interaction concepts.
·        To increase your level of understanding about HCI basics.
·        Assignment submission format is “power point slides” .ppt format.

For any query please contact:


a)      In lecture 2, you studied nature of Human and Computer. You are required to highlight general characteristics, strengths and weaknesses in tabular form. Use graphics wherever required.
b)       You are required to show the “Internal” and “external” working of software graphically for complete understanding the concept of Internal and External layout of software/application. (Lecture 2)
c)       In lecture 6, you studied “cognition” and its related approaches. You are required to study any other approach that is not discussed in lecture over internet and provide one slide overview of that approach if exist.
d)      In lecture 7 you studied Human Information Processing Model. Provide one slide graphic representation of model with appropriate labeling.   

Note: Before attempting the assignment, go through the mentioned lectures.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

CS301 Assignment 2 (Graded) Announcement fall 2013

Assignment 2 (Graded) Announcement

Dated: Nov 20, 13

Dear Students,

Be prepared for the assignment 2 which will cover lectures 1-10. This assignment will be graded and marks of this assignment will be considered in your final marks.

Opening Date: 21/11/2013 (21 November 2013)
Closing Date: 28/11/2013 (28 November 2013)

Wish you best of luck!


Instructor CS301

CS101 Assignment No 01 Solution & Discussion Due Date:26-11-2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Course Selection Open For Fall 2013 November Existing Students

Announcement for Course Selection for Fall 2013
(Classes Commencement Date: Monday, October 28, 2013)
Last date for Course Selection to add/drop course(s) November 7, 2013
The Course Selection link is available from Tuesday, September 16, 2013 under Student ServicesTabThe students are advised to logon to their respective VULMS account and select their course(s) immediately or at least before the semester commencement date. However, students may add/drop course(s) until November, 07, 2013.  Failing to enroll any course(s) by the last date, such students will be treated as “INACTIVE STUDENT” in Fall 2013 semester under “SemesterFreeze Rules 2012” and required to pay additional fee.
1.       Existing students may Select/Add/Drop/Replace course(s) by themselves through “Student Services, Course Selection link”.
2.       Newly admitted students, enrolled in the 1st semester of their study program, are given pre-selected courses. However, they have an option to reduce course load by dropping course(s) using above mentioned course selection link. (Note: This practice will eventually increase theduration and the fee of the study program).
3.       Students are required to complete the minimum residential period of their respective degree program e.g. a 2-year (4-semester) degree program cannot be completed in less than its prescribed time [provided the students are allowed prescribed course(s) exemption by the Committee].   
4.       Students with blocked VULMS (due to non-payment of fee or any other reason) are not allowed to make their course selection/semester enrolment unless they deposit their outstanding dues.
5.       No course Add/Drop request will be entertained after April 17, 2013. In case a student fails to appear in Final Term examination of course(s), s/he will be treated as ‘F (Absent)’ just like dropped course(s) but no fee will be refunded / adjusted.
6.       Fee voucher once issued will not be re-issued, upon drop of course(s).
7.       Request of student to relax/waive off any offered assignment /quiz will not be entertained / accepted.
8.       To apply for VU scholarships, the eligibility criteria also includes selecting and qualifying courses according to prescribed semester wise scheme of studies of program and deposit of the University dues.
9.       Students are required to strictly follow while enrollment of maximum credit hours limit for asemester including ‘F’ or ‘D’ grade course(s), if any [except MSBA / MBA (Equivalent to MS) & MSCS.
10.   In any of the subsequent semesters a student may repeat once, those course(s) of the previous semester(s) in which s/he had secured the lowest grade i.e. ‘D’ only. However, a student is not allowed to improve ‘D’ grade of a deficiency course qualified. Any improved grade will substitute ‘F’ and ‘D’ grades of the previous semester while calculating CGPA.
11.   A student, who fails to achieve the required CGPA for award of diploma/degree, upon the completion of entire prescribed course work program, may be allowed to repeat, once the course(s) of the previous semesters in which s/he had obtained the low grade (i.e. ‘C’ or ‘D’) in order to achieve the minimum CGPA required for the award of diploma/degree, failing which s/he shall cease to be on the rolls.
12.   Specialization certificate students’ are not allowed to improve ‘D’ grade course(s).
13.   The existing MBA (2-year) program students are encourages to complete their degree program within Spring 2013 semester according to VU Notification No. VU/Reg/1773 published at LMS Notice Board (due to HEC, revised Business Studies roadmap).
14.   Students are instructed to follow strictly the Rules and Procedure given in Student Hand Book under - Course Selection link in LMS account.
Declaration: I hereby acknowledge that I have completely read and understood the above rules including semester enrollment, course selection etc. I understand that I shall be responsible for the consequence and thus promise to abide by the University rules framed out from time to time.
Note:  Students having issues or seeking guidance regarding course selection may e-mail to
whereas MSCS program students are required to email to